Michael, St Clair

Buyer Testimonial

"It became kind of a no brainer."

33-year-old first home buyer Michael did his research before buying his new affordable home through HomeSeeker SA.

Michael – who works in the health care sector - says he spent many hours on real estate websites and the HomeSeeker SA website researching what houses and land were available.                

“Hours and hours on the real estate websites, and the helpful HomeSeeker SA website. I researched a lot of different developers to see what land opportunities were coming out. A lot of work on homes – I have the phone numbers of a lot of real estate agents,” says Michael.

“I didn’t know anyone who was building a new home, so I was just looking everywhere I could and talking to people.

“I think my mum found the HomeSeeker SA website originally and then I signed up for the email updates. Pretty much as soon as I saw there was an opportunity to buy a new affordable home at St Clair – that was sort of the area where I wanted to be – it became a quick decision for me.”

Michael’s new home at St Clair is under construction and should be ready for him to move in next year. As a first home buyer, he was able to take advantage of the South Australian Government’s first home owner grant and stamp duty relief.

“Yes, I got in just in time. I had been see-sawing between building a new home and buying an established home, but with the stamp duty relief and the first home owner’s grant available to build a new home, it became kind of a no brainer at that point,” he says.

Michael says location was an important factor for him.

“Location was probably No 1 for me. I guess upkeep was also something I was focussed on. A lot of the established homes I looked at were not in a good state, and obviously with the current housing pressure – price, I mean – it wasn’t sustainable for me to purchase an established home. Building became the best option for me,” he says.

“In terms of my finances, I think I was about 50-50 informed and prepared versus going in blind. The initial consult with HomeStart Finance really helped with that – it really laid everything out and made sure I couldn’t get anything more than I was able to afford.”

He says he’s fortunate that he hasn’t had to make too many sacrifices in his life to enable him to buy and maintain his new affordable home.

“I’m lucky that I’ve been able to live with my parents, so my finances are safe in that regard. I have a good job and a supportive family, and I think I’m lucky that I haven’t had to make too many sacrifices.” 

Michael says thanks to HomeSeeker SA, he’s looking forward to moving into his new affordable home in 2025.

“Because of the way home is being built – it’s in a row of new homes being built at the same time – the developer is waiting for some more of the homes to be approved.

Hopefully that’s not far off. I have visited the site a few times.”